Early Years
At Bentley Heath, we believe in the importance of building a secure foundation, to give children the key skills to be successful in school and in life. Our EYFS curriculum is delivered in Nursery and Reception through a planning in the moment approach to tailor the children’s learning to their needs and interests. We are committed to play based, active learning inspired by children’s interests. We know that a rich, enabling environment encourages children to take ownership of their learning which promotes higher levels of engagement.
A vital part of our curriculum design is therefore developing strong relationships with our children. Adults’ role is that of a facilitator of learning through observing, quality interactions and being a part of sustained, shared thinking. In order to support children on their learning journey, adults observe the children carefully; join them, when appropriate, and engage in quality interactions to move the learning on. They “teach” through modelling, suggesting, providing vocabulary or resources, explaining or encouraging. In this way, if a child encounters a challenge they will be supported to persevere, overcome the challenge and move forward in their learning. This is balanced with high quality daily phonics sessions and Maths input, which are delivered to children to ensure that they make good progress.
The teaching of The Prime and Specific Areas of learning is practical and playful with support and challenge from adults in whole class sessions, small group sessions and working with individuals. There is a combination of adult led, teacher taught sessions as well as a wealth of stimulating continuous provision opportunities.
Our Learning Environments are developed to promote independence within our children and allow them to access the curriculum both inside and outside. Learning environments are accessible, clearly labelled and promote Literacy and Maths. Areas are adapted regularly to meet the different and developing needs of the children. We aim to ensure that these areas are always stimulating and engaging and that, importantly, they are accessible to all children, regardless of where they are on their learning journey. Learning environments are enhanced by practitioners to develop children’s vocabulary and promote inquisitive minds.
“The environment should act as an aquarium which reflects the ideas, ethics, attitudes and cultures of the people who live in it” (Loris Malaguzzi).