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Pastoral Care

Special Educational Needs & Pastoral Care

At Bentley Heath Church of England Primary School we welcome everybody into our community. We strive to be a happy, welcoming place where children and adults can achieve their full potential and develop as confident individuals. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children. We make this a reality through the attention we pay to the different groups of children within our school family, thus providing a learning environment that enables all pupils to make the greatest possible progress and achieve their full potential in a caring, supportive and fully inclusive environment.

Our Local Offer describes the range of provision and support available to support identified children as and when appropriate and can be found on our website.

We are committed to narrowing the attainment gap between SEND and non-SEND pupils.

All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:

· achieve their best

· become confident individuals living fulfilling lives

· make a successful transition into adulthood

Our Pastoral Team

We pride ourselves on our pastoral care and how we take care of one another. Our dedicated pastoral team work throughout the school with all children and staff to break down barriers to learning and ensure that Bentley Heath is a supportive and inclusive place to learn. We want our children to be resilient and independent and support them in managing friendships, developing positive mental heath and wellbeing strategies, growing their social skills and showing respect for themselves and one another.

Our Assistant Head for Inclusion and SENDCo is Mrs Deborah Goodman. She coordinates the support for children with Special Educational Needs, liaises with outside agencies and provides specialist support for teachers and support staff.

Our Children and Families Support Worker is Miss Roxanne Riding. She is available to talk through any concerns you may have about your child and offer or signpost families to support.

Our Learning Mentor is Mr Dave Snipe. He is available for pupils to speak to during the day should they have any worries or concerns.