Reception and Nursery Open Events for September 2025 Admission Now Available to Book - Please Follow the Find Out More Button to Book a Place


At Bentley Heath, our aim is to inspire children’s love and curiosity about the world around them; starting from their local area and then exploring other parts of the world. We want children to not only be aware of existing challenges our planet is faced with but also how geography impacts every aspect of our lives and plays a vital role in developing caring, compassionate, and active citizens for our future.

We want to ensure that children develop their knowledge about various places, people, resources and natural and human features. We want these knowledge and skills to be transferable to other curriculum areas which can be used to promote their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

The curriculum is designed so that children will be able to bring together a range of ideas from facts and sources and then demonstrate an understanding of this information. This information will then help them form their own opinions and justifications on certain matters.