Pupil Outcomes

Please see below a summary of the most recent set of results from 2023.

Bentley Heath EYFS / Phonic Outcomes 2023

GLD; School versus National

Bentley HeathNational 2023

Phonics; School versus National

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Year 1 Phonics92%78.9%
Year 2 Phonics98%not published yet

Bentley Heath Year 2 Outcomes 2023

Reading, Writing and Mathematics; School V National

English Reading Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard80%68.3%
Greater Depth23%18.8%

English Writing Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard80%60.1%
Greater Depth20%8.2%

Mathematics Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard80%70.4%
Greater Depth23%16.3%

Bentley Heath Year 6 Outcomes 2023

Reading, Writing, Mathematics and GPS; School V National

Reading, Writing and Maths Attainment combined

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard63%59.5%
High Score12%8%

English Reading Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard82%72.4%
High Score37%29%
Average Scaled Score106.1105.1

English Writing Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard75%71.5%
Greater Depth23%13.3%

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard73%72.3%
High Score37%30.1%
Average Scaled Score105.7104.9

Mathematics Attainment

Bentley HeathNational 2023
Expected Standard82%72.9%
High Score27%23.8%
Average Scaled Score105.3104.2

You can find out about our performance at Key stage 2 and results from the Department for Education (DFE).  Our information can be found at https://www.compare-school-performance.service.gov.uk/school/140462

School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.